Five trends to watch as media flips to mobile-first
Luxury brands yet to find a strategy for WeChat
Will 2020 be the year when programmatic grows up?
WhatsApp introduces three ways to connect with businesses in order to monetize the chat app
China's online video views nears two hours in 2020, as global views hit one hour
為什麼 Android 與 Apple 手機 emoji 不一樣?牽涉到品牌形象塑造與版權
Google Sweetens Ad Options For App Developers And Publishers
WhatsApp is getting stickers and group video calls
Yahoo推聊天群組App Squirrel 須經邀請才能加入
The future of television advertising is up in the air, on the air and also on mobile
InMobi發佈《2018中國移動APP程序化視頻廣告白皮書》 聚焦高效投放
Why we need a new metric for mobile ad viewability
【進軍的士】MasterCard與HKTaxi合作 新增in App電子付款
Mobile ad format innovation gathers pace
微信小遊戲「跳一跳」大熱 Nike擲2,340萬元置入賣廣告
Google Pay正式推出 整合Android Pay等多款支付功能
資策會:台灣人更黏手機了!近 8 成民眾每天使用手機逾 2 小時